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How to Write about Any Essay Topic

Writing an essay can feel like a high-pressure task for any student, especially when it’s on a topic you’re not good at. But no worries! DuoKnows is here to share some valuable advice to make your essay-writing experience more enjoyable.

Identify the Type of Essay

The first step is defining what type of essay you need to write. The main categories of essays include narrative, persuasive, expository, and descriptive types. Essays can also be problem-solving, informative, comparative, or argumentative pieces.  

Brainstorm Your Topic

Don’t just start writing. Take some time to think about what you want to talk about and gather some ideas. Ask your family or friends to help with fresh ideas. Make a list of thoughts and choose the one you like most of all. 

Research the Topic

Visit the library or find information on the topic online. Use scholarly articles, books, and reliable websites like Google Scholar to collect information. 

Choose a Writing Style

Usually, the teacher selects a writing style for your essay. It can be MLA, APA, or Chicago. Be sure you understand all requirements. 

Develop a Thesis Statement 

The thesis is the main point of your essay, so make it clear and direct. State this thought in the introductory paragraph. 

Outline Your Essay

Make a plan for your essay to get a logical and well-structured paper as a result. 

Write Your Essay

It’s high time to start writing an essay. DuoKnows recommends writing the main body first, and only then an introduction and conclusion. 

Edit and Proofread Your Paper

Revise the text for technical errors, and language quality, and correct these mistakes. Pay attention to the quotation marks. Reading the text out loud can help to avoid many of these problems. 

Bonus from DuoKnows 

Improve your essays by replacing common words with more descriptive alternatives. Use this vocabulary list for your texts: 

  • Very bad: appalling, awful, dreadful
  • Very good: marvelous, wonderful, terrific
  • Very easy: effortless, straightforward
  • Very hard: arduous, daunting
  • Very small: minuscule, tiny 
  • Very big: colossal, gigantic, enormous
  • Very quick: rapid, speedy, swift
  • Very sad: melancholy, heartbreaking
  • Very happy: joyful, elated

Remember, writing an essay shouldn’t be a stressful ordeal. Follow these simple guidelines, and you’ll easily cope with the task. But if you’re still struggling with essay writing or any other homework, don’t hesitate to ask DuoKnows. 

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